
San Kustom Mods

About Me

Welcome back to San Kustom Mods!


"Project Vice Reborn", an upcoming mod pack for GTA Vice City Android, which will change the way you play Vice City Classic on your Mobile devices forever.

It isn't one of those typical mod packs for the game which just change few of the things like some of the textures or models, it isn't even the "VC: True 86 Edition" on which I was working previously.

In fact, this is a completely new project which will really take the game to a whole new level. Something that nobody had seen before, especially in Mobile version. The release date hasn't been confirmed yet, but it will most likely be released by the mid 2025.

By the way, checkout my YouTube channel "San Kustom Garage", for regular updates about the progress and changes that I'm making to this project!

That's it, so I'm a YouTuber, a mod maker and a hardcore vehicle enthusiast. Before becoming YouTuber and mod maker, I was just a guy who loves everything about cars, and games like GTA and NFS!

Don't forget to checkout my YouTube channel "San Kustom Garage", because that's where I reveal and showcase my mods first, before finally releasing them here!

Have a great day guys!

Country: India
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I have 578 rank points.(?)

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and I'm called:

"King of GTA"

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News: 0
Downloads: 578
Videos: 0
Total: 578
Modifications: (since 07.11.2012)
Released: 23 mods
Total: 231,044 downloads
Average: 10,045 downloads
Last online:
26.02.2025, 19:44
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Recent Comments (578)
Marcopolo Viale Bus for Mobile
STEVE45035KZ | 26.02.2025 | 445

San Kustom Mods
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 578

Good bus! goodgood I remember seeing a bus like this in Vice City Deluxe so many years ago! pardonpardon

Neon Buildings From Vice Cry for Mobile
STEVE45035KZ | 26.02.2025 | 616

San Kustom Mods
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 578

Are the neons properly aligned with the buildings? Because I previously used an other neons mod for mobile from a different author and neons are all over the place in that mod (not even properly aligning with the buildings).

So is this mod accurate? Because I was very disappointed with that other neons mod! pardonpardon

Full HD Retexture of Roads and Sidewalks for Mobile
STEVE45035KZ | 11.02.2025 | 2428

San Kustom Mods
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 578

Planning to download this soon and try it out, previously tried one of your other road mods and it was great! DirolDirol

Grand Theft Auto V Rancher
AMAN | 03.02.2025 | 10764

San Kustom Mods
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 578


West Side Import And Exports
solair | 07.01.2025 | 1824

San Kustom Mods
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 578

Great pack without any doubt 10/10! goodgood

By the way, can you make a 4 door version of the Grotti Groove? pardonpardon

It would be very awesome since I owned a Suzuki Alto SB308 in real life, and you might've already knew that how similar the SB308 Alto and 4 door Fiat Uno looks like in real life (the Uno in fact is slightly bigger than Alto I know that), but still it would be very awesome! smilesmile